Cloth Capture: Pants Data

This page provides examples and data from our work in cloth motion capture. This webpage focuses on our pants capture data. If you are looking for other models, refer to our main data webpage. To learn about how we created this webpage, please visit our cloth capture webpage.

We are distibuting data in a number of different files:

  1. MATLAB source data file.

    These files include several different variables:

    • pts: A point matrix that is indexed by point x dimension x frame. In other words, a 10 frame sequence with 2000 points would be 2000 x 3 x 10 (all data is in 3D).
    • tris: A 1 based index into the point array to define the mesh surface. This is (triangles) x 3.
    • texture_pts: Unnormalized texture coordinates indexed as (points) x 2.
    • texture_tris: With rows corresponding to rows in tris, texture_tris gives 1-based indices into texture_pts.
    • obs: Observability for each triangle: 0 = unobserved, 1 = observed, -1 = seam.

  2. MATLAB artificial joints file

    This file contains a single matrix contains 6 artificial joints. This data structure is 6 x 3 x (number of frames).

  3. ZIPped OBJ files

    This file has the same data as the MATLAB source data file -- connectivity is the same in each OBJ file.

  4. Rendered video

    This video should give you some idea what the data looks like.

  5. Wireframe video

    This is just for convenience when I haven't had time to render the data yet.

If you use this data in a research publication, please cite our related paper:

Ryan White, Keenan Crane, David Forsyth, "Capturing and Animating Occluded Cloth," SIGGRAPH, 2007. bibtex


Stepping around in a circle
Rendered Video [DIVX 1 MB]     
Wireframe Video [DIVX 4.8 MB]     
Source Data [8 MB MAT file]
[12 MB ZIP of OBJ files]     
Artificial Joint Data [28 KB MAT file]
(1453 vertices, 2859 triangles, 201 frames)
Wireframe Video [DIVX 6.8 MB]     
Rendered Video [DIVX 2.2 MB]     
Source Data [11.6 MB MAT file]
[17.2 MB ZIP of OBJ files]     
Artificial Joint Data [40 KB MAT file]
(1453 vertices, 2859 triangles, 291 frames)
Wireframe Video [DIVX 5.8 MB]     
Rendered Video [DIVX 3.8 MB]     
Source Data [9.6 MB MAT file]
[14.3 MB ZIP of OBJ files]     
Artificial Joint Data [33 KB MAT file]
(1453 vertices, 2859 triangles, 241 frames)
Running in place
Wireframe Video [DIVX 5.9 MB]     
Rendered Video [DIVX 1.3 MB]     
Source Data [9.6 MB MAT file]
[14.3 MB ZIP of OBJ files]     
Artificial Joint Data [33 KB MAT file]
(1453 vertices, 2859 triangles, 241 frames)
Rendered Video [DIVX 15 MB]     
Source Data [34 MB MAT file]
[100 MB ZIP of OBJ files]     
Artificial Joint Data [132 KB MAT file]
(1453 vertices, 2859 triangles, 1691 frames)
[contains three separate actions: taping a foot, lifting a portion of the pants to inspect and dancing]
Wireframe Video [DIVX 11 MB]     
Source Data [12 MB MAT file]
[30 MB ZIP of OBJ files]     
Artificial Joint Data [41 KB MAT file]
(1453 vertices, 2859 triangles, 521 frames)

For more information, see our cloth capture webpage.